
Ahoy, Critterfolk!
New entry May 28

Critter Notices

[It's Freebie Friday in the Critters Store...]

Books from Critters!

Check out Books by Critters for books by your fellow Critterfolk, as well as my list of recommended books for writers.

The Sigil Trilogy

If you're looking for an amazing, WOW! science fiction story, check out THE SIGIL TRILOGY. This is — literally — one of the best science fiction novels I've ever read.

How to Write SF

The Craft of Writing Science Fiction that Sells by Ben Bova, best-selling author and six-time Hugo Award winner for Best Editor. (This is one of the books your ol' Critter Captain learned from himself, and I highly recommend it.) (Also via Amazon)


I was interviewed live on public radio for Critters' birthday, for those who want to listen.

Free Web Sites

Free web sites for authors (and others) are available at

ReAnimus Acquires Advent!

ReAnimus Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of the legendary Advent Publishers! Advent is now a subsidiary of ReAnimus Press, and we will continue to publish Advent's titles under the Advent name. Advent was founded in 1956 by Earl Kemp and others, and has published the likes of James Blish, Hal Clement, Robert Heinlein, Damon Knight, E.E. "Doc" Smith, and many others. Advent's high quality titles have won and been finalists for several Hugo Awards, such as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy and Heinlein's Children. Watch this space for ebook and print editions of all of Advent's current titles!

Book Recommendation

THE SIGIL TRILOGY: The universe is dying from within... "Great stuff... Really enjoyed it." — SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock

Announcing ReAnimus Press

If you're looking for great stuff to read from bestselling and award-winning authors—look no further! ReAnimus Press was founded by your very own Critter Captain. (And with a 12% Affiliate program.) [More]








Preditors & Editors Poll results

Preditors & Editors Poll results

Official Results

New! now has Workshops for Everything — all genres, music, video, photography, art, apps.....

New!See also the Best-Ever Voters Poll for the best works ever written (not just in the last year)

[Tallies for...
Print/Electronic Novels pages - Horror | Romance | Science Fiction & Fantasy | Erotica |
Mystery | Thriller | Children's | Young Adult | All other |
Short Stories pages - Horror | Romance | Science Fiction & Fantasy | All other |
Anthologies page | Poems page | Nonfiction articles page |
Artwork page | Book/e-book Cover Artwork page | Magazine/e-zine Cover Artwork page |
Authors page | Poets page | Artists page |
Book/e-book Editors page | Magazine/e-zine Editors page |
Print/Electronic Book Publishers page |
Review site | Bookstore | Promotional Firms, Sites, and Resources page |
Fiction 'zines page | Poetry 'zines page | Nonfiction 'zines page |
Writers' Discussion Forum page | Writers' Workshop page |
Writers' Resource/Information/News Source page |
Current standings | Best EVER Poll | Report an Error |

Standings for Anthologies

1. Terminal Earth, Pound Lit Press, [link][comments]

2. Bonded by Blood III: Languish in Lament, SNM Horror Magazine, [link][comments]
3. Mr. Moon's Nightmares, Library of Horror Press, [link][comments]
4. Toe Tags II: Blood and Bizarro, New Flesh Books, [link]
5. Passionate Hearts, Vanilla Heart Publishing, [link]
6. Desire 3: Desire in Flames & Desire in Green, Whiskey Creek Press Torris, [link]
6. Infinite Space, Infinite God II, Twilight Times Books, [link][comments]
7. To Love and To Cherish, loveyoudive, [link][comments]
8. Powers: A Superhero Anthology, Static Movement, [link][comments]
8. Best New Zombie Tales II, Books of The Dead Press, [link][comments]
8. Six Guns Straight From Hell, Science Fiction Trails, [link]
9. Rigor Amortis, Absolute XPress, [link][comments]
10. Bad Ass Faeries III: In All Their Glory, Mundania Press LLC, [link][comments]

11. Rumpled Silk Sheets: Lesbian Fairy Tales, Ravenous Romance, [link][comments]
11. Cthulhurotica, Dagan Books, [link]
12. A Christmas Collection:Sweet, Victory Tales Press, [link][comments]
13. Dreamspell Revenge, L&L Dreamspell, [link]
13. Elements of Time: Past, Present, Future, TTM, [link][comments]
14. Borealis Anthology, Book 2, Desert Breeze Publishing, [link]
14. Sha'Daa: Last Call, Altered Dimensions Press, [link][comments]
15. Forever Travels, Mandinam Press, [link][comments]
15. Last Gasp, Noble Romance, [link][comments]
15. Mountain Magic, Woodland Press, [link]
16. Dragon's Lure, Dark Quest Books, [link]
17. The Spectrum Collection, Dark Continents Publishing, [link]
17. BEAT to a PULP: Round One, BEAT to a PULP, [link]
18. An Aspen Grove Christmas, Whiskey Creek Press, [link][comments]
18. Twice The Terror: The Horror Zine, Volume 2, Bear Manor Fiction, [link]
18. Horror Library Vol. IV, Cutting Block Press, [link][comments]
18. Demons: A Clash of Steel, Rogue Blades Entertainment, [link]
18. Zero Gravity: Adventures in Deep Space, Pill Hill Press, [link]
18. Discount Noir, Untreed Reads, [link]
18. A Summer Collection, Victory Tales Press, [link][comments]
18. Twisted Tails V: Apocalypses Now and Then, Double Dragon Publishing, Inc., [link]
18. His For the Holidays, Carina Press, [link][comments]
19. Dark Things II, Pill Hill Press, [link]
19. Dark Things V, Pill Hill Press, [link]
19. Yarns for Our Youth, Static Movement, [link]
19. Old School, Belfire Press, [link]
19. The Best of Every Day Fiction Two, Every Day Publishing, [link]
20. Stealing My Heart, Total-E-Bound, [link]
20. Eye Witness: Zombie, May December Publications, [link]
20. Toy Box: Tattooed Ladies, Torquere Books, [link]
20. the aether age, hadley rille books, [link][comments]
20. All About Eve, WolfSinger Publications, [link]
20. Future Perfect, Southern Indiana Writers, [link]
20. Blood Fruit, QueeredFiction, [link]
21. Dark Tales of Terror, Woodland Press, [link]
21. Dark Christmas, Cirle 8/Create Space, [link]
21. The Killer Wore Cranberry, Untreed Reads Publishing, http//
21. RetroSpec, Raven Electrick, [link]
21. A Halloween Collection: Stimulating, Victory Tales Press, [link]
21. Out of the Dark, The Wild Rose Press, [link]
21. Music For Another World, Mutation Press, [link]
21. Warrior Wisewoman 3, Norilana Books, [link]
21. Mertales, Wyvern Publishing, [link]
22. TT3: Alien Perverts Wrecked my Pubes, Skullvines Press, [link]
22. Dark Futures: Tales of Dystopian SF , Dark Quest Books, [link]
22. Love, Heart & Soul Moments, Wings ePress, [link]
22. Podthology: The Pod Complex, Dragon Moon Press, [link]
22. Anthology of Ichor: Hearts of Darkness, UnEarthed Press, [link]
22. Children of the Dead: A Zombie Anthology, Living Dead Press, [link]
22. Birth, Smashwords, [link]
22. The Canticle Kingdom, Bonneville Books, [link]
22. Strange Mysteries 2, Whortleberry Press, [link]
22. Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies, Red Sage Publishing, [link]
22. Directions of Love, Whiskey Creek Press, [link]
22. Novus Creatura, Aurora Wolf Press, [link]
22. Ghostly Tales of Terror, Living Dead Press, [link]
22. Spectre Nightmares and Visitations, Under the Moon, [link]
22. The Last Man Anthology, Sword & Saga Press, [link][comments]
22. She Loves Me: a Collection of Sapphic Erotica, DLP Books, [link]
22. Boys Getting Ahead, StarBooks Press, [link]
22. Belong, Ticonderoga Publications, [link]
22. Christmas Mail-Order Brides, Barbour Publishing, [link],7977.aspx?Tab=Books
22. Green Water Lullaby, Sonar4Publications, [link]
22. Indian Country Noir, Akashic, [link][comments]
22. Audrey & Lawrence, eXcessica Publishing, [link]
22. Dark Faith, Apex Publications, [link]
22. Shot to Death, Mostly Murder Press, [link]

Looking for something to do?


▶ View tallies in another category

▶ Vote in our Best EVER Written Poll

▶ Vote and Enter the Best Idea Contest - $$ (If you could have anything that doesn't exist yet, what would be the coolest thing to have?)

▶ Take the Ebook Pricing Survey (What's a fair price for an ebook? Help us collect data. If you write ebooks, also take the Optimal Ebook Pricing Survey.)

▶ — Workshops for Everything

▶ Read Aburt's Future of the Book Blog

And please check out our sponsors!—

Dr. Andrew Burt

P&E poll volunteer votemaster, founder of the world's first Internet service provider, a guy who writes stuff you might enjoy, founder of Critters Workshop (now with "Workshops for Everything"), the Black Holes response time tracker,, ReAnimus Press, ...
Future of the Book Blog
▶ Read Aburt's Future of the Book Blog

ReAnimus Press

▶ Best EVER Written Poll     ▶ Ebook Pricing Survey

Critters Writers' Workshop

White Rose Publishing

Coffee Time Romance

Stephanie Barko


[via ►PayPal or: Amazon]
Very Happy minion   Very Happy minion — last donation was today. About $2900 to go. A big Thank You! to Morgen Marshall, Jeanette Sanders, Richard Alison, and lots of other Critterfolk for their contributions!

Critters is entirely funded by donations from Critterfolk like you, so yours is most appreciated. Click here to make the minions happy. Every dollar helps. Thanks for your support!