Ahoy, Critterfolk!
New entry May 28
Critter Notices
Books from Critters!
Check out Books by Critters for books by your fellow Critterfolk, as well as my list of recommended books for writers.
The Sigil Trilogy
If you're looking for an amazing, WOW! science fiction story, check out THE SIGIL TRILOGY. This is — literally — one of the best science fiction novels I've ever read.How to Write SF
The Craft of Writing Science Fiction that Sells by Ben Bova, best-selling author and six-time Hugo Award winner for Best Editor. (This is one of the books your ol' Critter Captain learned from himself, and I highly recommend it.) (Also via Amazon)
I was interviewed live on public radio for Critters' birthday, for those who want to listen.
Free Web Sites
Free web sites for authors (and others) are available at
ReAnimus Acquires Advent!
ReAnimus Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of the legendary Advent Publishers! Advent is now a subsidiary of ReAnimus Press, and we will continue to publish Advent's titles under the Advent name. Advent was founded in 1956 by Earl Kemp and others, and has published the likes of James Blish, Hal Clement, Robert Heinlein, Damon Knight, E.E. "Doc" Smith, and many others. Advent's high quality titles have won and been finalists for several Hugo Awards, such as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy and Heinlein's Children. Watch this space for ebook and print editions of all of Advent's current titles!
Book Recommendation
THE SIGIL TRILOGY: The universe is dying from within... "Great stuff... Really enjoyed it." — SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock
Announcing ReAnimus Press
If you're looking for great stuff to read from bestselling and award-winning authors—look no further! ReAnimus Press was founded by your very own Critter Captain. (And with a 12% Affiliate program.) [More]
Weekly Notes
Notes for 15-Jan-2025... Comcast Doubles their Costs -- Fund Drive Time, Alas... [ ] Comcast, who provides the business internet service for the server, is doubling their price. Yes, doubling. Historically they've always listed an absurd high number then offered a "promo" rate to make it reasonable; this time they're being hard-nosed and not doing that. Donations have only barely been covering costs. At the recent pace of donations, they won't cover costs at the prior level, let alone the new costs. I hate asking writers for donations, since writers generally don't have a lot of spare funds. I want to be clear: I do not want donations from anyone for whom it would be any hardship at all. I've always found a way over the past 30 years to keep Critters going, and will keep striving for that. I try to keep it low key. I haven't done a fund drive for two years. If people feel Critters is worthwhile, voluntary donations should organically follow. I don't want to hold things hostage like public TV fund drives that won't show the show until some threshold is met. I don't want to get really in your face like Wikipedia covering the screen with donation requests. I don't feel it's fair to offer higher levels of service or special perks to donors a la Patreon -- everything in Critters should be equally available to all. The paypal link it pretty obvious as it is. To address the FAQs, moving to another internet provider would be a big undertaking, and, when you run your own email server, your options are limited, and still subject to costs for computing, storage, network traffic, etc. (Critters relies heavily on customized email to function, for example, which limits choices.) I do have an alternative I can switch to if Comcast gets untenable, but it would be a lot of work and a step down in performance. Unfortunately, for security reasons, I can't let anyone else into the server to help out. Nor, realistically, could anyone else make sense of the intricate code that has evolved over 30 years to keep things going. (Remember, my background is as a computer science professor sort of guy, so I've written a lot of complex code over the years. It's not quite "spaghetti," but...) Guy McDonnell does a fantastic job helping field questions, but that's the extent of what outside help can do. So, with Comcast doubling the price, donations not covering that, I apologize that it's time for a fund drive... Many thanks for helping keep Critters going! (And remember, please do not send anything that would be in any way be a hardship for you.) Thank you! -+- I've joined Blue Sky, which you're welcome to use as a way to check on the status of Critters. If it's down, for example, I'll try to post there what the issue is. You can ask me there what's up if you can't reach the site. Facebook too. ( ) -+- The Winners are in for the annual readers poll'! See Congrats to all the winners! -+- Proceeds also benefitting the Critters Fund drive come from sales of ReAnimus Press books, such as... DEFENSE FOR THE DEVIL by Kate Wilhelm - $5.99 ReAnimus Press Store: Amazon: Mitch Arno always meant bad news for Folsum, Oregon. When they ran him out of town seventeen years ago, he left behind a wife with two daughters and a family that never wanted to see him again. When he returns, he brings trouble in the form of a lot of suspicious money. As Barbara attempts to counsel Mitch's wife about the money, a second form of trouble arrives, Mitch's corpse.. [Disclaimer: Ye Olde Critter Captain also runs ReAnimus Press, sales from which help him keep Critters going as a free site.] -+- Thanks for the donations, folks! Thanks especially to Frank Shewmake Larry Hodges Roger Hetchler for their recent donations to help keep Critters going. Much appreciated! [See for more information.] -+- Woohoo! Congratulations to... - Douglas Kolacki, who sold his (Critter'd) short story, "Gynoid Angels of the Convergence" to The Worlds Within. Please report your Woohoo!s via the web page. -+- This week's Most Productive Critter award, for 3 critiques (at time of judging), averaging over 900 words each, goes to... Tim Nall To redeem an MPC, visit: Congratulations! To everyone else -- Crit early and often! (For an explanation of the MPC award, see the page.) -+- Recommended Reading... One of the best writing books - Secrets from the 6-time Best Editor Hugo Award Master, Ben Bova: THE CRAFT OF WRITING SCIENCE FICTION THAT SELLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Critters Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This week we have... [get from ]... Title Author --------------------------------------------------------------------- Week of 15-Jan-2025 (Crits due 22-Jan-2025): SF Pandemonium: Death and Ashes, Chapter 2 John Francis Willems -#31708 SF Second Level Deborah Kaminski -#31709 SF Mark of the Predator, Chapter 31 and 32 Brian Sellnow -#31710 SF The Moonvoice Chronicles chapter 6 Erin Tunney -#31711 SF The Army of Dogs Carmen F Clarke -#31712 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended books on writing: THE CRAFT OF WRITING AND SELLING SCIENCE FICTION by Ben Bova ReAnimus Press Store: Amazon: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SPECULATIVE FICTION OPENINGS By (Critter member) Robert Qualkinbush | STAYIN' ALIVE - A WRITER'S GUIDE by three-time SFWA President Norman Spinrad How things really work in the art and commerce of publishing | EXPERIMENT PERILOUS: THE 'BUG JACK BARRON' PAPERS by Norman Spinrad (A 99cent essay on SF and writing) | Because you might enjoy it... DARK SECRET by EDWARD M. LERNER Cosmologically speaking, Earth's luck ran out in an eye blink... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pieces up for critique in other workshops... In the lit workshop - : L The Great Divide Ethan Cunningham -#31654 In the nonfiction workshop - : NP I *Experience*, Therefore I Am Robin niCathain -#30061 In the script workshop - : SC It Happened One Christmas Robert W. Ross -#31694 In the kids workshop - : YS The Adventures of Jack, The Rabbit Emmanuel Agyei-Boatey -#31578 In the comics workshop - : CG Magna. logline/ synopsis Brent Claridge -#28885 In the western workshop - : W Currently Untitled Aleksandr Vincente Hoang -#30472 In the romance workshop - : R Haven Tonya Washington -#31596 In the video workshop - : VS The Gallery of Henri Beauchamp Jay DeTalente -#21424 In the music workshop - : MP The Shade Riders and Nocturnal Ned song Beth Zurkowski -#21675 In the photo workshop - : PH Tea and Gossip Sandy Kulhavy -#30875 In the art workshop - : AH Peppermint Girls Brian Sellnow -#31527 In the website workshop - : WW Franklin's Palindromedary Ray N. Franklin -#29498 In the critters workshop - : SF Pandemonium: Death and Ashes, Chapter 2 John Francis Willems -#31708 SF Second Level Deborah Kaminski -#31709 SF Mark of the Predator, Chapter 31 and 32 Brian Sellnow -#31710 SF The Moonvoice Chronicles chapter 6 Erin Tunney -#31711 SF The Army of Dogs Carmen F Clarke -#31712 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You might also like... THE BEST SCIENCE-FICTION STORIES AND NOVELS, NINTH SERIES by T. E. DIKTY The best SF of 1957-58 Standard notes: HELP: If you need help with anything, see -- there are FAQs and a form to ask questions. HELPING CRITTERS: Critters is donation funded & volunteer run, so if you'd like to help out with our current fund drive or otherwise, please visit -- Thanks!! HOW TO SEND CRITIQUES: Remember to send the critiques directly to me,, so I can forward them to the authors _and_ give you credit for your effort. Please send only one critique per mail message (makes it easier to archive). Please make sure the "#" symbol and manuscript number are in the email Subject: line, like Subject: #1234. (Conversely, if you want ol' Aburt to personally read the message, i.e., it's _not_ a critique, don't put a "#" in the subject or I won't see it. Also -- put my current anti-spam code word in there: see .) You may also send your critiques via . Note that all critiques will be available to everyone to read the next Saturday. DIPLOMACY: Remember, authors and critiquers, we're all friends here. Be polite. Be considerate. Be tactful. You can say you thought a story was drivel in a courteous way. Try to point out the good and the bad; offer alternatives if you can. Never, ever, attack the author -- only the story. Authors: Remember that some reviewers may lack tact. Try to be understanding, but if you get any that you feel are just plain mean-spirited, too short to be of any use, or too "feel good," let me know and I'll withhold the reviewer's "credit" for that story and/or cajole them into something more insightful. See for more... CRITIQUE LENGTH: If you want to send a short critique that you know is too short for credit (200 words or less of your own meaningful content) please put "NC#" in the Subject (NC=No Credit, like Subject: NC#1234) -and- say something like "not for credit" inside your critique. (Remember also that for MPC purposes, a critique must be 300 words or more.) CHATTING: Comments -other- than critiques (such as discussion of the critiques, or Woohoo! announcements, or chit chat) should be posted to one of the official Critters discussion forums (See the web page for full info, guidelines, etc.) Don't post stories or critiques (mail those to QUOTING: Please pare the ms. down if critiquing in-line (don't quote the whole ms.!). Other format rules are at . EVERYTHING'S ON THE WEB: Past reviews are on the web page. The current week's manuscripts are also there, as are prior mss. and even some rewrites. There's a Master Page Index (site map) with tons of links to common items. AUTHORS: Authors for this week -- if you aren't getting email'd critiques from me (as they come in) within a couple days -- ask me and we can verify I'm sending them to the correct address. (Send me a phone# in case I can't get email to you.) Check the format of your story ASAP to make sure it's all there and readable. EMAIL ISSUES: If you want to change your email address or preferences (# mss. emailed, SF/F/H type, or whether you get the huge critique batches at week's end), point your browser to . Please don't ask me to do this by hand, it's quite a chore! (E.g., if you're going on vacation and want to suspend mail from me -- do this before/after your trip.) BACKUP SITE: If you're unable to reach to get manuscripts, I've set up an emergency backup site at where you can get the week's manuscripts (but not much of anything else :-). Speaking of backups -- don't forget to back up your own manuscripts so you don't lose them! QUITTING: If you want to quit or go inactive, drop by . DONATIONS: Critters is funded by donations, so visit if you'd like to help out. Because you might enjoy it... ORION AND THE CONQUEROR by BEN BOVA Orion meets Alexander the Great, battling to save the future of mankind -- You received this email message because you signed up for the Critters Writers Workshop. If you want to stop getting these emails, please visit .