Ahoy, Critterfolk!
New entry May 28
Critter Notices
Books from Critters!
Check out Books by Critters for books by your fellow Critterfolk, as well as my list of recommended books for writers.
New Book from a Critter Member

The Sigil Trilogy
If you're looking for an amazing, WOW! science fiction story, check out THE SIGIL TRILOGY. This is — literally — one of the best science fiction novels I've ever read.
I was interviewed live on public radio for Critters' birthday, for those who want to listen.
Free Web Sites
Free web sites for authors (and others) are available at
ReAnimus Acquires Advent!
ReAnimus Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of the legendary Advent Publishers! Advent is now a subsidiary of ReAnimus Press, and we will continue to publish Advent's titles under the Advent name. Advent was founded in 1956 by Earl Kemp and others, and has published the likes of James Blish, Hal Clement, Robert Heinlein, Damon Knight, E.E. "Doc" Smith, and many others. Advent's high quality titles have won and been finalists for several Hugo Awards, such as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy and Heinlein's Children. Watch this space for ebook and print editions of all of Advent's current titles!
Book Recommendation
The universe is dying from within...
"Great stuff... Really enjoyed it." — SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock
Announcing ReAnimus Press
If you're looking for great stuff to read from bestselling and award-winning authors—look no further! ReAnimus Press was founded by your very own Critter Captain. (And with a 12% Affiliate program.) [More]
Preditors & Editors Poll results
Official Results now has Workshops for Everything — all genres, music, video, photography, art, apps.....
See also the Best-Ever Voters Poll for the best works ever written (not just in the last year)
[Tallies for...
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Standings for Romance Novels
1. Dying for a Date, Cindy Sample, L & L Dreamspell, [link][comments]
2. By Heart and Compass, Danielle Thorne, Desert Breeze Publishing, [link][comments]
3. Sweet Danger, Cheryl Pierson, The Wild Rose Press, [link][comments]
4. Package Deal, Donna Bolk, Wild Rose Press, [link][comments]
5. Santa is a Lady, L.J. Holmes, MuseItUp Publishing, [link][comments]
6. Dark Succession, Teresa D'Amario, Freya's Bower, [link]
6. Cross The Line, Rie McGaha, Solstice Publishing, [link][comments]
7. McShannon's Heart, Jennie Marsland, Bluewood Publishing, [link]
7. Destruction of the Great Wall, R. Ann Siracusa, Sapphire Blue Publishing, [link][comments]
8. No deal, Christy Poff, Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, [link]
8. Love, Lies & Deceit, Carol Preflatish, Red Rose Publishing, [link]
9. Strawberries for Dessert, Marie Sexton, Dreamspinner Press, [link][comments]
9. Mended Heart, Mary Manners, White Rose Publishing, [link]
10. Masquerade Marriage, Anne Greene, White Rose Publishing, [link][comments]
11. Angels, Sinners and Madmen, Cate Masters, Freya's Bower, [link]
12. Eostre's Hare, Arlene Webb, Shadowfire Press, [link][comments]
12. Tales of the Red Moon Clan, Cherie De Sues, Noble Romance Publishing, [link][comments]
13. Capturing Karma, K.M. Daughters, The Wild Rose Press, [link]
13. All's Fair In Love And Law, K.M. Daughters, The Wild Rose Press, [link][comments]
14. The Hungarian, Stephanie Burkhart, Desert Breeze Publishing, [link][comments]
14. Secret Baby, Edna Curry, Whiskey Creek Press, [link][comments]
15. Hearts Crossing, Marianne Evans, White Rose Publishing, [link]
15. Where the Rain is Made, Keta Diablo, Decadent Publishing, [link][comments]
16. Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico, Lena Nelson Dooley, Summerside Press, [link][comments]
16. Ultimate Duty, Marva Dasef, Eternal Press, [link]
17. Solitude & Sea Glass, T. D. McKinney & Terry Wylis, Amber Allure, [link]
17. Marrying Mattie, Tanya Hanson, The Wild Rose Press, [link]
17. Charade of Hearts, Sharon Donovan, Wild Rose Press, [link][comments]
17. White Heart, Lakota Spirit, Ginger Simipson, Eternal Press, [link]
17. Home is the Sailor, Lee Rowan, Cheyenne/Bristlecone Pine, [link][comments]
18. Bear Necessities, Dana Marie Bell, Samhain Publishing, [link]
18. Roman Circus, Carlene Rae Dater, Noble Romance, [link]
19. Call Sign:Love, Carlene Rae Dater, Write Words, [link][comments]
19. The Harmless Deception, Lesley-Anne McLeod, Uncial Press, [link]
19. Viking, Go Home, Faith V. Smith, The Wild Rose Press, [link]
19. Shining in the Sun, Alex Beecroft, Samhain, [link]
19. Hearts Surrender, Marianne Evans, White Rose Publishing, [link][comments]
19. Eris, D. Renee Bagby, Siren Publishing, [link]
19. Cravings, Brenda Huber, The Wild Rose Press, [link]
20. Beyond the Dream Catcher, Rita Hestand, Decadent Publishing, [link][comments]
20. Through Ancient Eyes, Kimberly Adkins, Siren Bookstrand, [link]
20. Luminous Nights, Michele Hart, BookStrand Publishing, [link][comments]
20. Love Me If You Can, Marie-Nicole Ryan, The Wild Rose Press, [link]
20. Perfect Score, Susan Roebuck, Awe-Struck Publishing, [link]
20. Leave No Trace, Lynn Romaine, The Wild Rose Press, [link][comments]
20. When the Snow Flies, Laurie Alice Eakes, Avalon, [link][comments]
20. A Tangled Web, Suzanne Rossi, The Wild Rose Press
21. Shadows, Brenda Huber, The Wild Rose Press, [link]
21. Blood Moon, Tamela Quijas, Price Publication, [link]
21. Mine, Brenda Huber, The Wild Rose Press
21. No Other, Shawna Williams, Desert Breeze, [link]
21. jaguar moon, linda palmer, The Wild Horse Press, [link]
21. Wild Cards and Iron Horses, Sheryl Nantus, Samhain Publishing, [link]
21. Keeping Promise Rock, Amy Lane, Dreamspinner Press, [link]
21. Divine's emporium, Michelle L. Levigne, Uncial Press, [link]
21. Voices on the Waves, Jessica Chambers, Red Rose Publishing, [link][comments]
22. Moselle's Insurance, LoRee Peery, White Rose Publishing, [link]
22. Sacrifices, Stevie Woods, MLR Press, [link]
22. Abby-Finding More Than Gold, Sharon Poppen, Awe-Struck, [link]
22. Lucifer's Daughter , Eve Langlais, Liquid Silver, [link]
22. Something Unexpected, Tressie Lockwood, Sugar and Spice Press, [link]
22. Wolf on the Bayou, Tressie Lockwood, Amira Press, [link]
22. Undercover Cavaliere, Judith B. Glad, Uncial Press, [link]
22. Dragon Lord of Kells, Brenda J. Weaver, Faery Rose, [link]
22. Cornerstone Deep, Charlene A. Wilson, Class Act Books, [link]
22. Montana Dawn, Caroline Fyffe, Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc, [link]
22. Mind-Blown, Michele Hart, BookStrand Publishing, [link][comments]
22. Salvation, Jacqueline Paige, Eternal Press, [link]
22. The Groom Wore Leather, Taylor Manning, Unical, [link]
22. Tender Touch, Tanya Stowe, White Rose Publishing, [link]
22. Ride The Fire, Jo Davis, NAL, [link]
22. Lawbreakers and Lovemakers, Toni Noel, Desert Breeze Publishing, [link][comments]
22. Slower Lower Love, Lila Munro, Silver Publishing, [link]
22. Until It's Over, Lauren Gallagher, Carnal Passions, [link]
22. Blood of the Beast, Tamela Quijas, Price Publication, [link]
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Dr. Andrew BurtP&E poll volunteer votemaster, founder of the world's first Internet service provider, a guy who writes stuff you might enjoy,