Preditors & Editors Poll

Welcome to the Annual Preditors & Editors™ Readers' Poll Voting Page

Critters / is once again happy to host the annual P&E Readers Poll. Good luck to all entrants!

The Preditors & Editors™ Readers' Poll honors print & electronic publications published during . Click here for the official rules.


The poll opens Dec. 24 this year (through Jan. 14).

[Prior years' final tallies are here]

While you're waiting, check out the Best Ever Written Readers' Poll (ongoing).

Note your name and email address will be required to vote to prevent fraud. Entries for each category are listed in alphabetical order. Add a new entry using the row at the bottom. Voters are automatically entered into a drawing for prizes from our sponsors. Please check your vote for accuracy before submitting, as we regret we cannot fix typos! You may report errors here but generally only errors affecting the scores will be dealt with, after the voting ends. [Prior years' final tallies are here]

New!Check out ReAnimus Press — great books for readers from best-selling and award-winning authors (and help for authors), the first writers' workshop on the web, now has Workshops for Everything — all writing genres, music, video, photography, art, web sites, even apps.

[Shortcuts to...
Print/Electronic Novels pages: Horror | Romance | Science Fiction & Fantasy | Steampunk | Erotica | Mystery | Thriller | Children's | Young Adult | All other |
Short Stories pages: Horror | Romance | Science Fiction & Fantasy | Steampunk | All other | Anthologies page | Poems page | Nonfiction articles page | Nonfiction books page |
Other Categories: Artwork page | Book/e-book Cover Artwork page | Magazine/e-zine Cover Artwork page | Authors page | Poets page | Artists page | Book/e-book Editors page | Magazine/e-zine Editors page | Print/Electronic Book Publishers page | Review site | Bookstore | Promotional Firms, Sites, and Resources page | Fiction 'zines page | Poetry 'zines page | Nonfiction 'zines page | Writers' Discussion Forum page | Writers' Workshop page | Writers' Resource/Information/News Source page |
Admin: Current standings | Best EVER Poll | Report an Error | VOTE! ]

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Print/Electronic Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel published in 2015...

AdonisVioletta AntcliffGypsy Shadow Publishing[link][comments]
Alien in ChiefGini KochDAW[link]
Alien SeparationGini KochDAW[link]
Arine's SanctuaryKate M. Collinshttp://
Arine's SanctuaryKateMarie CollinsSolstice Shadows[link][comments]
Blade of the DestroyerAndrew PeloquinJ Ellington Ashton Press[link][comments]
Blowing SmokeRory Ni CoileainRiverdale Avenue Books[link]
Blue VioletAbigail OwenThe Wild Rose Press[link]
Bots, Come!Will SchmitzPageBacon[link][comments]

BoundKelly K. G. MillerSolstice Publishing[link]
Breeding StationsChris T. KatDreamspinner Press[link][comments]
Dark BecomingJ.D. BrownNightMare Publishing[link][comments]
Dead Men Rise Up NeverJilly PaddockPro Se Productions[link]
Dino HuntMax DavineASJ Publishing[link]
Fall Into DarknessValerie Twomblyself[link][comments]
Flowers and FangsKaren Michelle NuttPublished by Rebecca J. Vickery[link][comments]
Fracture The Secret Enemy Saga book three SecretsVirginia McKevittSelf[link]
Hell's DodoTamara A. LoweryGypsy Shadow Publishing[link]
Impure BargainsDecadent KaneSelf[link][comments]
LUST: Book 2 of The Shadows-Keepers SeriesJas T. WardDead Bound Publishing[link][comments]
Magic TimesHarvey ClickCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform[link][comments]
Not For SaleIona MorrisonThe Wild Rose Press[link][comments]
Odin's EyeKal SpriggsHenchman Press[link][comments]
Old Flames and HeroesMord McGheeTSP[link][comments]
Pale HighwayNicholas ConleyRed Adept Publishing[link][comments]
Phoenix Rising: StasisGail R. DelaneyDesert Breeze Publising[link]
Pigsty PrincessNancy S. BrandtCleanReads[link]
Quest for RedemptionSheri VelardeThree Worlds Press[link]
Rod Of RealityArthur C. ButtClean Reads[link]
Shadow LiegeTony-Paul de VissageClass Act Books[link][comments]
Stone CottageMaighread MacKaySolstice Publishing[link][comments]
The Hand of GodEric S. Brown & Jason CordovaSevered Press[link]
The Scarlett CurseToneye EyenotJ Ellington Ashton Press[link][comments]
The ScionGuy T. MartlandSafkhet Fantasy[link][comments]
The Squire and the Slave MasterEric PriceMuseItUp Publishing[link]
The UnravelingRebekah LewisSelf[link]
Three Days in AprilEdward AshtonVoyage Impulse[link][comments]
Tower of ThornsJuliet MarillierROC[link]
Trial By FireChristopher NuttallTwilight TimesBooks[link]
Under Strange SunsKen LizziTwilight Times Books[link][comments]
Under strange Sunshttp://
~~Title not listed: by: Publisher: URL:

(Please check your vote for accuracy before submitting, as we regret we cannot fix typos. You may report errors here but generally only errors affecting the scores will be dealt with, after the voting ends.)

This P&E voting site is operated by Andrew Burt

▶ Best EVER Written Poll

▶ ReAnimus Press featured book

▶ Read Aburt's Future of the Book Blog

▶ — Workshops for Everything

Your name and email address are required to vote. (They will be kept strictly confidential and not used for mailing lists, etc.)

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Your email address:
(Email to finalize your vote will be sent to you when you submit this form. Please add to your approved senders list to receive the email. Do not send email to this address; it is not read. You may only vote once in each category; a subsequent vote in the same category will override your prior vote.)

New! Optional comments — feel free to add a note describing why you especially liked this entrant:

(Comments will appear within an hour after your vote is validated.)

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Very Happy minion   Very Happy minion — last donation was today. About $2600 to go. A big Thank You! to Richard Leis, Terrance Crow, Jeff Sullins, and lots of other Critterfolk for their contributions!

Critters is entirely funded by donations from Critterfolk like you, so yours is most appreciated. Click here to make the minions happy. Every dollar helps. Thanks for your support!