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Ahoy, Critterfolk!
New entry May 28

Critter Notices

Books from Critters!

Check out Books by Critters for books by your fellow Critterfolk, as well as my list of recommended books for writers.

The Sigil Trilogy

If you're looking for an amazing, WOW! science fiction story, check out THE SIGIL TRILOGY. This is — literally — one of the best science fiction novels I've ever read.

New Book from a Critter Member

**NOW IN PRINT EDITION TOO!** Awesome new book, HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SPECULATIVE FICTION OPENINGS, from a Critter member who's unearthed a shard of The Secret to becoming a pro writer. Really good piece of work. "...if you're at all concerned about story openings, you'd be nuts not to read what Qualkinbush has to say." —Wil McCarthy, author of BLOOM and THE COLLAPSIUM


I was interviewed live on public radio for Critters' birthday, for those who want to listen.

Free Web Sites

Free web sites for authors (and others) are available at www.nyx.net.

ReAnimus Acquires Advent!

ReAnimus Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of the legendary Advent Publishers! Advent is now a subsidiary of ReAnimus Press, and we will continue to publish Advent's titles under the Advent name. Advent was founded in 1956 by Earl Kemp and others, and has published the likes of James Blish, Hal Clement, Robert Heinlein, Damon Knight, E.E. "Doc" Smith, and many others. Advent's high quality titles have won and been finalists for several Hugo Awards, such as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy and Heinlein's Children. Watch this space for ebook and print editions of all of Advent's current titles!

Book Recommendation

THE SIGIL TRILOGY: The universe is dying from within... "Great stuff... Really enjoyed it." — SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock

Announcing ReAnimus Press

If you're looking for great stuff to read from bestselling and award-winning authors—look no further! ReAnimus Press was founded by your very own Critter Captain. (And with a 12% Affiliate program.) [More]








Preditors & Editors Poll results

Preditors & Editors Poll results

2005 Official Results

[Category list]

Standings for category: Romance Novels

1. Ghost, John Ringo, Baen, http://www.baen.com/chapters/W200510/1416509054.htm?blurb
2. Briana, Tammy Boulds, Whiskey Creek Press, http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com
3. Chains of Jericho, Vivien Dean, Linden Bay Romance, http://lindenbayromance.com/product_details.php?product_id=35
4. ghost, John Ring, Baen, http://www.baen.com/chapters/W200510/1416509054.htm?blurb
4. A Bit of Rough, Laura Baumbach, Sybaritic Press, http://www.sybpress.com
5. A Promise to Keep, Ann Durand, Double Dragon Publishing, http://www.double-dragon-ebooks.com
5. Cabin Fever, Kristie Leigh Maguire, Star Publish, http://starpublish.com
6. Friday's Temptation, Cynthia VanRooy, New Age Dimensions Publishing, http://nadbooks.com
6. Triad, Lauren Dane, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0219-9
6. A Sister's Secret, Lori Derby Bingley, Champagne Books, http://www.champagnebooks.com
7. Blood Moon Over Britain, Morag McKendrick Pippin, Leisure/Dorchester, http://www.dorchesterpub.com
8. Kiss of Heat, Lora Leigh, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com
8. Victorious Star, Morgan Hawke, Loose Id, http://www.loose-id.com
9. CheckMate, Kallysten, Linden Bay Romance, http://lindenbayromance.com/product_details.php?product_id=36
9. The Sandman, Frankie Belleville, Silks Vault, http://www.silksvault.com/booktitles/Sandman.html
10. Unleashed, cathryn Fox, elloras Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com

11. A Gentleman of Substance, Julia Talbot, Torquere Press, http://www.torquerepress.com
11. The Orca King, Darragha Foster, Liquid Silver, http://www.liquidsilverbooks.com
11. grimaldi Brothers: Guan Marcos Muse, Eve Vaughn, Loose Id, http://www.loose-id.com
11. Promises Prevail, Sarah McCarty, Ellora's Cave, Inc, http://www.ellorascave.com
11. Acting Like Family, J.J. Massa, Venus Press, http://www.venuspress.com/catalog/books/actinglikefamily.htm
11. Voodoo Nights, Ann Morris, Champagne Books, http://www.champagnebooks.com
12. Wright and Wrong, Jane Shoup, Champagne Books, http://champagnebooks.com
12. Pampas, Janet Elaine Smith, PageFree Publishing, http://thegreatamericanbookstore.com
12. Xylon Warriors II: His Carnal Need, Ruth D. Kerce, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0269-5
13. Memories of a Forgotten Past, Anne Lebrecht, Publish America, http://www.annelebrecht.com
14. Beside Myself, Ginger Simpson, Writers-Exchange, http://www.writers-exchange.com
14. Trattoria, Susan DiPlacido, Mundania, http://www.mundania.com
15. A Tender Magic, Linda Madl, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://http://www.hardshell.com/
15. Trimagon Hall, Josie Okuly, Chippewa Publishing, http://www.chippewapublishing.com
15. Sweet Dreams, Lady Moon, Nicholas Grabowsky, Diverse Media, http://www.downwarden.com
15. Bayou Rhapdosy, Sarah Storme, Echelon Press, http://www.echelonpress.com
16. Crash and Burn, Maggie Nash, Triskelion Publishing, http://www.triskelionpublishing.com
16. Night Fall, FrankieBelleville, Ocean's Mist Press, http://www.oceansmistpress.com
16. Whispered Secrets, Terri Pray, Magic Carpet Books, http://www.barnesandnoble.com
16. Always, My Love, Phyllis Campbell, Champagne Books, http://www.champagnebooks.com
17. Savannah's Vision, Nicole Austin, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0378-0&Page=Page1
17. Darkest Nyte, Elizabeth Batten-Carew, New Concepts Publishing, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/
17. In Her Sights, Jennifer Cloud, Wings ePress, http://wingsepress.com
18. Undercover Lover, Caitlyn Willows, Amber Quill Press, LLC, http://www.amberquill.com
18. Alison's Journey, Amey S Tippett, Publish America, http://www.ameytippett.com
18. The Bounty, Beth Williamson, Liquid Silver Books, http://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=linda018&cart_id=3211133.7757&product_name=The+Bounty&return_page=&user-id=&password=&exchange=&exact_match=exact
18. Primitive Passion, Shara Lanel, Liquid Silver Books, http://www.sharalanel.com
18. Amaya's Keep, Donna McGillivray, whiskey creek press, http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com
18. Kira's Best Friend, Natalie J. Damschroder, Amber Quill Press, LLC, http://www.amberquill.com
18. Dark Lover, J. R. Ward, Signet Eclipse (penguin), http://www.penguin.com
18. The Price of Temptation, M.J. Pearson, Seventh Window, http://thepriceoftemptation.com
18. Jamie's Cherub, Gail Faulkner, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/AuthorsBooks.asp?AuthorCode=GF
18. Be Still, My Heart!, Carol McPhee, Wings ePress, http://www.wingsepress.com
18. Heart of the Forsaken, Angela Verdenius, Wings ePress, http://www.wings-press.com
18. The Blade Chaser's Son, Brenna Lyons, eXtasy Books, http://www.extasybooks.com
19. Sweet Gum Tree, Katherine Allred, Cerridwen Press, http://www.cerridwenpress.com
19. A Spanish Revenge, Jade James, Silk's Vault Publishing, http://www.silksvault.com/home.html
19. Since All Is Passing, Elizabeth Delisi, Amber Quill Press, http://www.amberquill.com/SincePassing.html
19. Open Door, HH Self, Whiskeycreek Press, http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com/torrid/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=16
19. The Chronicles of Stella Rice, Adrienne Kama, New Concepts Publishing, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/thechroniclesofstellarice.htm
19. Juliana's Portrait, Monica M. Martin, WCP Torrid, http://www.whiskeycreekpresstorrid.com/
19. Breaking Point, Suzanne Brockmann, Random House, http://www.randomhouse.com/
20. All in the Name of Love, Lady Blade, Extasy Books, http://www.extasybooks.com
20. Bone Deep, Bonnie Dee, Liquid Silver Books, http://liquidsilverbooks.com/books/bonedeep.htm
20. Blood Price, Kira Stone, Changeling Press, http://www.changlingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=215
20. The Trigon Rituals, Angelia Whiting, New Concepts Publishing, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com
20. Masks, M.L. Rhodes, Amber Quill Press, http://www.amberquill.com/Masks.html
20. Saving Emma, Cheryl Wright, Whiskey Creek Press, http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com
20. Savage Destiny - The Story of Blackhawk and Cali, Jewel Adams, Midnight Showcase, http://www.midnightshowcase.com
20. Dragons and Dungeons, Tawny Taylor, Ellora's Cave, http://http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0321-7
20. A Little Harmless Pleasure, Melissa Schroeder, Loose Id, http://www.loose-id.com/detail.aspx?ID=218
21. A Window n Time, Carolyn Lampman, Whiskey Creek Press, http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com
21. Trail to Bliss, Jeannine Van Eperen, Awe-Struck, http://www.Awe-Struck.com
21. Thieves Bounty, Laine Morgan, New Concepts Publishing, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com
21. Syndelle's Possession, Jory Strong, Elloras Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com
21. The Homesteader, Mary Jean Kelso, Wings-Press.com, http://wings-press.com
21. The King's Daughter, Tala Bar, Bewildering Stories, http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue169/kings_daughter1.html
21. Incubus, Raine Weaver, Loose ID, http://www.loose-id.com/detail.aspx?ID=201
21. Star Dust, Ann O'Bannon, BeWrite, http://bewrite.net
21. Waxing, Megan Powell, Zumaya Publications, http://www.zumayapublications.com
21. Dare Me, Leigh Ellwood, Phaze, http://www.phaze.com
21. Once In A Blue Moon, Celia Stuart, Liquid Silver Books, http://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=linda018&cart_id=2247609.43681&product_name=Once+In+A+Blue+Moon&return_page=&user-id=&password=&exchange=&exact_match=exact
21. The Marriage List, Dorothy McFalls, Signet, http://nalauthors.com/book909
21. Speak of Love, Linda Madl, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://http://www.hardshell.com/
21. Midnight Angel, Lisa Marie Rice, Ellora's Cave, http://http://www.ellorascave.com
21. On Eagle's Wings, Rebecca Goings, Champagne Books, http://www.champagnebooks.com
21. Flesh and Blood, Elisa Adams, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com
21. Haunting Love Alley, SL Carpenter, Sahara Kelly, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com
21. True Blue Forever, Joyce Sterling Scarbrough, Authors Ink Books, http://www.authorsinkbooks.com
21. Midnight Rose, Shelby Reed, Ellora's Cave, http://ellorascave.com
21. Night Stalker, Paula Beaty, New Concepts Publishing, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/nightstalker.htm
21. Not Quite Camelot, Jennifer Dunne, Cerridwen Press, http://www.cerridwenpress.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0167-2
21. Lani's Challenge, Linda Morelli, Port Town Publishing, http://www.porttownpublishing.com
21. Maverick's Black Cat, Maggie Casper & Lena Matthews, Ellora's cave, http://www.ellorascave.com
22. Plain Jane's Tight End, Liz Hunter, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://www.hardshell.com
22. Shelter from the Storm, Lara Williams, Linden Bay Romance, http://www.lindenbayromance.com/product_details.php?product_id=57
22. A Gambler's Magic, Alice Duncan, New Age Dimensions, http://www.nadbooks.com
22. Moon's Web, C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp, Tor Books, http://tor.com/paranormalromance
22. Holt the Interceptot, Rhiannon Neeley, Liquid Silver Books, http://liquidsilverbooks.com
22. More Than Prophecy, Shannon Leigh, Amber Quill Press, http://www.amberquill.com/MoreThanProphecy.html
22. Gold's Bride, Sally Odgers, Mundania Press, http://sallyodgers.50megs.com/gold.htm
22. Hidden Treasures: Discovering Eros, D. Musgrave, Renebooks, http://www.renebooks.com/sizzler.php3
22. Dark Pleasures, Evelyn Starr, Extasy, http://www.geocities.com/evvstarr
22. A Sweeter Revenge, Joan M. Fox, Wings-ePress, http://www.wings-press.com
22. act of betrayal, anna parrish, all romance books, http://www.allromancebooks.com/
22. Wager of Sin, Jess Michaels, Venus Press, http://www.venuspress.com/catalog/books/wagerofsin.htm
22. Lady of Two Lairds, Sedonia Guillone, Loose Id, http://loose-id.com
22. Calypso's Secrets, Isabelle Kane, Whiskey Creek Press, http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com
22. Maiden and the Monster, Michelle M pillow, Elloras Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/AuthorsBooks.asp?AuthorCode=MP
22. A Ripping Good Time, Feather Marosek, Lulu, http://www.FeatherMarosek.com
22. WHISPERS IN THE DARK, GAYLE EDEN, LindenBayRomance, http://www.lindenbayromance.com
22. Nyx, Tyree Campbell, Sam's Dot Publishing, http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/
22. One Christmas Night in Venice, Brianna Martini, Silksvault.com, http://silksvault.com
22. A Gentle Magic, Alice Duncan, New Age Dimensions, http://www.nadbooks.com
22. The Chemistry of Evil, Lynne Connolly, Triskelion, http://triskelionpublising.com
22. Mine, Jill Noelle, Loose Id, http://www.jillnoelle.com
22. Let Them Eat Cake, Ravyn Wilde, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com
22. In the Werewolf's Den, Rob Preece, BooksForABuck.com, http://www.booksforabuck.com/rompages/rom_2005/werewolf_den.html
22. The Wolverine and the Rose, Rebecca Goings, New Age Dimensions Publishing, http://www.nadbooks.com
22. Smuggler's Bride, Darlene Marshall, LTDBooks, http://www.ltdbooks.com
22. Loves' Revenge, Monica Burns, New Concepts Publishing, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/lovesrevenge.htm
22. Bound by Destiny, Rayka Mennen, Champagne Books, http://www.champagnebooks.com
22. Forbidden Dreams, Rene Walden, Silk's Vault, http://http://www.silksvault.com/booktitles/ForbiddenDreams.html
22. Descendants of Darkness, Marianne LaCroix, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0433-7
22. Amber Inferno, Jeanne Barrack, Loose Id, http://http://www.loose-id.com/detail.aspx?ID=174
22. I, Nefertiti, Lacey Savage, Loose Id, LLC, http://www.loose-id.com
22. Spell Of Love: Lust Upon Roses, Alyssa Brooks, Loose-Id, http://www.loose-id.com
22. Angel is a Centerfold, Pearl X. Jones, Loose Id, http://www.loose-id.com
22. Soulful Sex Volumes I & II, Diana Laurence, New Age Dimensions, http://www.nadbooks.com
22. Strictly Business, Rita Hestand, Writers Exchange, http://www.writers-exchange.com
22. Finding Mr. Romantic, Betty Jo Schuler, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://www.hardshell.com
22. Beautiful Dreamer, Cynthianna Appel, Triskelion Publishing, http://www.triskelionpublishing.com/prod83.html
23. The Moon Witch, Linda Winstead Jones, Berkley Sensation, http://us.penguingroup.com/
23. Kinsman's Oath, Susan Krinard, Berkley, http://
23. Ride a Wild Heart, Connie Vines, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://www.hardshell.com
23. Her Tenant, Sherry Derr-Wille, Wings ePress, http://www.wings-press.com
23. In Her Name, Esther Mitchell, Triskelion Publishing, http://www.triskelionpublishing.com
23. Dark Betrayals, Madyson Hunter, Triskelion, http://www.triskelionpublishing.com
23. Stolen Son, Fran Shaff, Champagne Books, http://www.champagnebooks.com
23. Mollie's McGuire, Gwynn Morgan, Awe-Struck EBooks, http://www.awe-struck.net
23. Wolf Island, Cher Gorman, Loose Id, http://www.loose-id.com
23. Rough Edges, Nancy Pirri, Romance At Heart, http://rahpubs.com/
23. Jeweled Seduction, Carol McPhee, Wings ePress, http://www.wingsepress.com
23. Means To An End, Carol McPhee, Wings ePress, http://www.wingsepress.com
23. The Crystal Pendulum, margaret west, New Age dimensions, http://www.margaret-west.com
23. Red Hot Secrets, Lisa Renee Jones, Elloras Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com
23. Shadow of Wishes, Nix Winter, Venus Press, http://www.venuspress.com
23. Elven Enchantment, Willa Okati, Changeling Press, http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=121
23. Maid to Order, Rekha Ambardar, Echelon Press Publishing, http://www.echelonpress.com
23. Enchanted Christmas, Alice Duncan, New Age Dimensions, http://www.nadbooks.com
23. Stolen Magic, Mary Jo Putney, Del Rey, http://www.maryjoputney.com
23. Sweet Caroline, MIcqui Miller, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://www.hardshell.com
23. Outback Sizzle, Alexis Fleming, Changeling Press, http://www.changelingpress.com
23. Portrait of Desire, Kate September, Siren Publishing, http://www.sirenpub.com
23. Precious & Few, Bonnie Sue Bradshaw, AuthorHouse, http://www.authorhouse.com
23. A Reckless Affair, Blaise Kilgallen, Liquidsilverbooks.com, http://www.liquidsilverbooks.com
23. Who Races Who Wins, Jude Mason, Rennaisance E-Books, http://www.renebooks.com/sizzler.php3
23. Eyes of Darkness #2: Black Heart, Christy Poff, Whiskey Creek Press, httphttp://www.whiskeycreekpresstorrid.com/chapters/InternetBondsBlackheart_ChristyPoff.shtml://
23. HOW FAR WILL YOU GO?, Barbara Baldwin, Whiskey Creek, www.whiskeycreekpresstorrid.com
23. Apocalypse Dance, M. Barnette, Phaze Books, http://www.phaze.com
23. The Smoke Thief, Shana Abé, Bantam, http://www.tlt.com/authors/sabe.htm
23. Letters From The Heat, Anita Whiting, New Age Dimensions, http://anitawhiting.tripod.com
23. Torment at Midnight, Elaine Charton, Triskelion, http://www.triskelionpublishing.com
23. Stranger in the Mirror, Laraine Anne Barker, Awe-Struck E-books, http://awe-struck.net/AUTHORS40/sitmirror.html
23. All I Want, Sally Painter, Ellora's Cave, http://www.sallypainter.com
23. Ancient Ties, Jane Leopold Quinn, Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, http://www.whiskeycreekpresstorrid.com
23. Lucky 13, Susanne Marie Knight, Fictionwise.com, http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/SusanneMarieKnighteBooks.htm
23. Followed By Death, Melodie Rogers, PA, http://home.twcny.rr.com/melrogers
23. Bound By Hope, Kally Jo Surbeck, Vintage Romance Publishing, http://www.vrpublishing.com
23. All I Need, Sally Painter, Ellora's Cave, http://www.sallypainter.com
23. Can I Keep You, Candy Nicks, Linden Bay Romance, http://www.lindenbayromance.com
23. Polly's Perilous Pleasures, Daisy Dexter Dobbs, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0294-6
23. Simply Irresistible, Lucynda Storey, Loose Id, http://www.loose-id.com
23. Prince of the Mist, Penelope Marzec, New Concepts Publishing, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com
23. Treading the Labyrinth, Rae Morgan, Liquid Silver Books, http://www.liquidsilverbooks.com
23. Whispers By the Sea, Julie Palella, Publish America, http://www.juliepalella.net
23. Arien, Sarah Dickson, Triskelion , http://www.triskelionpublishing.com/
23. Purrfect Justice, Ashley Ladd, Ellora's Cave, http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0309-8
23. The Savage King, Michelle M Pillow, New Concepts, http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/michellempillow.htm
23. The Passing of Paradise , Molly Lemmons, WingsE press, http://mollyloubelle.com/
23. DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS, CRIS ANSON, Ellora's Cave, http://ellorascave.com
23. Pandora's Box, Amelia Elias, Loose Id, http://ameliaelias.com
23. Redemption, Morgan Leshay, LBF Books, LLC, http://www.lbfbooks.com


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Happy minion   Happy minion — last donation was recent. About $7000 to go. A big Thank You! to Roger Hetchler, Larry Hodges, Frank Shewmake, and lots of other Critterfolk for their contributions!

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