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New entry Jun 06

Critter Notices

Books from Critters!

Check out Books by Critters for books by your fellow Critterfolk, as well as my list of recommended books for writers.

Stayin' Alive

If you want to make a career of SF writing, STAYING ALIVE - A WRITER'S GUIDE by three-time SFWA President Norman Spinrad, published by your Critter Captain's ReAnimus Press, is an indispensable guide to the inside workings of the SF publishing industry by an expert.


I was interviewed live on public radio for Critters' birthday, for those who want to listen.

Free Web Sites

Free web sites for authors (and others) are available at www.nyx.net.

ReAnimus Acquires Advent!

ReAnimus Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of the legendary Advent Publishers! Advent is now a subsidiary of ReAnimus Press, and we will continue to publish Advent's titles under the Advent name. Advent was founded in 1956 by Earl Kemp and others, and has published the likes of James Blish, Hal Clement, Robert Heinlein, Damon Knight, E.E. "Doc" Smith, and many others. Advent's high quality titles have won and been finalists for several Hugo Awards, such as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy and Heinlein's Children. Watch this space for ebook and print editions of all of Advent's current titles!

Book Recommendation

THE SIGIL TRILOGY: The universe is dying from within... "Great stuff... Really enjoyed it." — SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock

Announcing ReAnimus Press

If you're looking for great stuff to read from bestselling and award-winning authors—look no further! ReAnimus Press was founded by your very own Critter Captain. (And with a 12% Affiliate program.) [More]








Preditors & Editors Poll results

Preditors & Editors Poll results

2000 Official Results

[Category list]

Standings for category: Short Stories

1. RED FLAGS, Jon Baxley, AmazingAuthors Showcase, http://carolinanavy.com/navy/creativewriting/baxley/redflags.html
2. Hell in August, Frank Fradella, Cyber Age Adventures, http://www.cyberageadventures.com/
3. Love Made Visible, Mary Sullivan Esseff, DamnYankee.com, http://www.damnyankee.com/
4. God@heaven.com, Susannah Indigo, MindKites, http://www.mindkites.com/god_heaven.html
5. Angels and the GTO, Pepper Raines, Themestream, http://themestream.com/gspd_browse/browse/view_article.gsp?c_id=132439
6. A Wild Texas Wind, Pepper Raines, Amazing Authors Showcase, http://members.aol.com/AmazingAuthors/index.html
7. The Passing of Sadly True, James Allison, Strange Horizons, http://www.strangehorizons.com/20001106/sadly_true.shtml
8. Born of Darkness, Steve Lazarowitz, The Writer's Hood, http://www.writershood.com/
9. 'Crocodile Gods', Brian A. Hopkins, Brainbox (Dreams Unlimited), http://www.dreams-unlimited.com/
10. Rupert, the Devil-Dog from Hell, Daisy Dexter Dobbs, Wordbeams, http://www.wordbeams.com/

11. Book of Pain, Ahmed A. Khan, Anotherealm, http://www.anotherealm.com/
12. His Master's Voice, Harry Buschman, The Writer's Hood, http://www.writershood.com/
13. The Last, Jim Farris, Cloudy Mountain Books, http://www.fictionforest.com/featured_authors/jfarris/TLGPreview/OerthPreview.htm
14. Flag Day, KJ Stevens, Prose Ax, http://www.proseax.com/indexxx.htm
15. Kiowa Wells, R.A. Cox, Cyber-pulp Houston,
16. Rara Avis, Megan Sybil Baker, The Murder Hole, http://members.home.net/themurderhole/
17. Ivory and Sorrow, Daniel J Bishop, Cyber Age Adventures, http://www.cyberageadventures.com/
17. Always and Forver-Merry Musings Anthology, Joyce and Jim Lavene, Wordbeams Publishing
18. Letters to the Dead, Frank Fradella, Cyber Age Adventures, http://www.cyberageadventures.com/
19. Old Grumpy, Laraine Anne Barker, Anotherealm, http://www.anotherealm.com/
20. The Man in a Kilt, Pamela Johnson, Rhapsody Magazine, http://www.rhapsodymag/
21. Entertaining Angels, Barbara Mack, Jackhammer, http://www.eggplant-productions.com/
21. Erosion, Harry Raden, Jackhammer e-Zine, http://www.eggplant-productions.com/jackhammer/
21. Mostly Good, Gina Romsdahl, Roberts Publishing, http://www.robertspublishing.com/
22. The Tenth Plague, Bill Purcell, The Wandering Troll, http://www.thetroll.net/troll.htm
23. I am You, Laurie Tom, Millennium SF&F, http://www.jopoppub.com/
24. Creative Arsenal, Dayle Dermatis, Jackhammer E-zine
25. Everyone Thinks He's Human, Edward McKeown, Millennium F&SF, http://www.jopoppub.com/
25. Riding the Bullet, Stephen King
25. Nevada, A.M. Dellamonica, scifi.com, http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/originals/originals_archive/dellamonica
25. On a Scale of One to Three, Douglas Lain, Pif Magazine, http://pifmagazine.com/
26. 18 Just Words, Dwane Roanhorst, Amazing Authors Showcase, http://carolinanavy.com/navy/creativewriting/clipper/dwane/index.html
27. Fat Chance, Ken Goldman, Raven Electrick, http://www.ravenelectrick.com/ssraven/fatchance.html
27. 16 Lee, Karen A. Romanko, Raven Electrick, http://www.ravenelectrick.com/ssraven/lee.html
27. A Picture of You in my Mind, Christine Spindler, Electric E-Bookpublishing, http://www.electricebookpublishing.com/shortstories/cspindler1.html
27. Goria, Xina Marie Uhl, XC Publishing, http://www.xcpublishing.com/
28. The Magicians' Birthday, Edward Stack, Twilight Times, http://www.twilighttimes.com/ef_Stack9.html
28. Among Us, Brian Freeman, Dueling Minds, http://www.duelingminds.com/
28. A Short Walk to the Other Side, Matthew J. Pallamary, Mystic-Ink Publishing, http://www.mystic-ink.com/m-pallamary/studio.com
29. Wasting Grandpa, Jeff Strand, Wordbeams, http://www.wordbeams.com/
30. To Our Brothers, H. David Blalock, The Three-Lobed Burning Eye, http://owlsoup.com/3LBE/3LBE7/3LBE7story2.html
30. When My Love Goes, Shaun Levin, Mind Caviar, http://mindcaviar.com/
30. So Loud It Hurt, Tom Waltz, Santa Fe Writers' Project, http://www.sfwritersproject.com/Features/soloudithurt.php3
31. Slab Gab, K. Irving, Twilight Times, http://twilighttimes.com/
31. A Taste Of History, Glenda Tudor, DiskUs Publishing, http://www.diskuspublishing.com/
31. Human, Caleb Monroe, Jackhammer E-zine, http://www.eggplant-productions.com/
32. Everything Has a Purpose, Jeff Strand, Wordbeams, http://www.wordbeams.com/
32. In the Garden at the Far Shore of the Stys, Christopher Stires, Electric Wine, http://www.electricwine.com/garden
32. Class Reunion, Jack Hillman, Peridot Books, http://www.peridotbooks.com/
32. The Year of F*cking Badly, Susannah Indigo, The Position, http://www.theposition.com/sexlibris/erotica/00/07/03/erotica/default.shtm
32. The Cabin, Brooks Lynn, Kudlicka Publishing, http://www.kudlickapublishing.homestead.com/erotica.html
32. One Every Minute, Andy J W Davie, sinister element, http://www.sinisterelement.com/
33. Reunion, Steven E. Wedel, Short, Scary Tales, http://www.shortscarytales.com/
33. Roger the Trainee Reindeer, H. J. Tomlinson, Word Wrangler Publishing, http://www.wordwrangler.com/HJTomlinson.html
33. 'Riding Sheila', Alexa deMonterice (Domestic Author), Twilight Tales, http://www.twilighttales.com/
33. Her Sharp Little Straw, Christina Crooks, Wordbeams, http://www.wordbeams.com/
33. L'Autre Margot, Jonathan Fesmire, MZB Fantasy Magazine, http://www.mzbfm.com/
33. Complicated Love and Family Obligations, Michelle Smith, Shyflower's Garden, http://www.shyflowersgarden.com/
33. The Thirteenth Hour, Karen McCullough, Rhapsody Magazine, http://www.rhapsodymag.com/thirteenth.html
34. Thanksgiving Dinner, Tyree Campbell, ProMart Writing Lab, http://promartian.com/
34. Simple Sarah and Slippery Sam, Elizabeth Burton, Fables, http://www.fables.org/summer00/sarah.html
34. The Day I Robbed God, Sheryl Ellis, Themestream, http://www.themestream.com/gspd_browse/browse/view_article.gsp?c_id=244119
34. CAJUN HOT, NIKITA BLACK, DREAMS UNLIMITED, http://www.dreams-unlimited.com/erotic/cajunhot.htm
34. The Wish Fish, Maureen McMahon, Shyflower's Garden, http://www.shyflowersgarden.com/
35. Do What You Love, Susannah Indigo, Clean Sheets Magazine, http://www.cleansheets.com/archive/archfiction/indigo_04.05.00.html
35. The Christmas Gift, Mary E Tyler, Private Ice Publications, http://www.dejahsprivateice.com/Holidays/
35. In the Quiet Hours, Michael Kelly, Horrorfind, http://www.horrorfind.com/
35. 'Selling Jesus, Douglas Lain, Amazing Stories
35. The Dark Heart of Stones, Brian A. Hopkins, Dueling Minds, http://www.duelingminds.com/
35. The Atypical Contract, Megan Powell, The Wandering Troll, http://www.thetroll.net/troll.htm
36. 'Still Crazy After All These Years', Judi Rohrig, HorrorFind, http://theborg.horrorfind.com/fiction/rohrig1.html
36. Deathwatch, Michael S. Rimar, eggplant Productions, http://www.eggplant-productions.com/jackhammer
36. Real Life, Carter Jefferson, LoveWords, http://lovewords.homestead.com/lovewords.html
36. What the Man in the Moon Saw, Tim Dryer, Crossroads Publishing, http://Crossroadspub.com/ManMoon.htm
36. 'The Watchman's Eye', Heidi Cyr, Jackhammer E-zine, http://www.eggplant-productions.com/
36. AWAY In The Manger, Alyson B Cresswell, GateWay S-F Magazine, http://www.gateway-sf-magazine.com/
37. Be Still My Heart, Robin Bayne, MountainView, http://www.whidbeybooks.com/
37. Anne's Pub, Warren Cook, Shadowkeep Zine, http://www.shadowkeepzine.com/
37. The Silence of Roanoake, Fiona Avery, Colonies SF Magazine, http://members.fortunecity.com/regentbooks/Colonies1.html
37. Unplugged, Michael Jasper, ShadowKeep, http://www.shadowkeepzine.com/stories/unplugged.html
37. Free Four, L. Joseph Shosty, Abby the Troll Publications
37. Ghetto Talk, Eric Heise, Unestone, http://www.writersmarch.com/
37. A Light on the Horizon, Marian Gibbons and Karin Welss, Dreams Unlimited, http://www.dreams-unlimited.com/futuristic/stardates.htm
38. Shiva Jones, McCamy Taylor, Aphelion, http://www.aphelion-webzine.com/
38. If We Shadows Have Offended, Emily C. A. Snyder, MZB Fantasy Magazine, http://www.mzbfm.com/
38. Widow's Peak, Rochelle Krich, Intrigue, http://www.intriguepress.com/
38. The Astronomer's Pig, Rosanne Dingli, Absinthe Literary Review, http://www.absinthe-literary-review.com/
38. Alsays Another One Along, Michael Cale, Murder Hole, http://members.home.net/themurderhole/Alwaysanother.htm
38. The Tavern Wench, Wendy Ramsel, Tavern Wench Journal, http://tavernwench.8m.com/
38. The Element of Surprise, Stephen D. Rogers, Planet Relish, http://www.planetrelish.com/
38. My Right Foot, Thomas J. Miller, AM Entertainment, http://www.3ampublishing.com/
39. Intimate Investor, Terry Campbell, Daylight Dreams, http://www.daylightdreams.com/hysterical/intimateinvestor.htm
39. An Impossible Match, Sylvia Forlenzo, Twighlight Times, http://www.twilighttimes.com/s_Forlenzo7.html
39. Cry Cat the Truth, Lance Hawvermale, Digital Catapult, http://www.digital-catapult.com/
39. Advice Like Pulling Teeth, Vergil Hervey, Thunder Sandwich, http://www.thundersandwich.com/ts12/virgilhervey.html
39. 4 Relentlessly Mundane, Jo Walton, Strange Horizons, http://www.strangehorizons.com/
39. Angel Eyes, Steve Eller, ChiZine, http://www.gothic.net/chiaroscuro/chizine/angeleyes.htm
39. The Colored World, Roberta Gellis, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://www.hardshell.com/Millenni.asp
39. Love Made Visible Mary Sullivan Esseff DamnYankee.com http://www.damnyankee.com%20%20mary%20sull/, Mary Sullivan Esseff Mary Sullivan Esseff DamnYankee.com http://www.damnyankee.com/, DamnYankee.com, http://damnyankee.com/
39. The Queen of Cherry Vale, Judith B Glad, Awe-Struck-E-Books
39. Transubstantiation, Stephen Woodworth, Strange Horizons, http://www.strangehorizons.com/20001127/transubstantiation.shtml
39. Broken Fences, Eleanor S. Sullo, Vermont Ink, http://www.vermontink.com/
40. The Last Crusade, Elsan H. Stafford, electric-bookworm, http://electric-bookworm.bigstep.com/
40. The Second Birthing of Young Tim, Lad Moore, Roberts Publishing
40. The Devil's Mailbox, Naomi Kritzer, Planet Relish, http://www.planetrelish.com/
40. THE BONE SCROLLS, Candi Chu, AlienQ, http://www.alienq.com/
40. Disappear Me, Tod Goldberg, Indigenous Fiction, http://http://home.earthlink.net/~deckr/if/intro.html
40. 3 The Reluctant Horseman, Marge Simon, EOTU, http://www.calmcity.com/eotu.html
40. Riding Sheila, Alexa deMonterice (Domestic Author), Twilight Tales, http://www.twilighttales.com/
40. Tangled Webs, Amanda M. Hayes, Jackhammer E-zine, http://www.eggplant-productions.com/jackhammer/
40. THE LAST DOLLAR, Maryann Miller, Rhapsody Magazine, http://rhapsodymagazine.com/
40. Born With A Tail, Eric Paul Shaffer, ProseAx, http://http://www.proseax.com/indexxx.htm
40. Taken by the WInd, Charlotte Boyett-Compo, Dark Star Publications, http://www.darkstarpublications.com/
40. I Know Why Sales Clerks From the Sky, Mark Heath, Strange Horizons, http://www.strangehorizons.com/20001016/sales_clerks.shtml
41. Ropeburn, Anne Tourney, Clean Sheets, http://www.cleansheets.com/
41. Love In Babylon, Bruce Boston, EOTU , http://www.clamcity.com/eotu.html
41. A Gentle Good Night, Christine G. Richardson, Orphic Chronicle, http://
41. What Goes Up, E.S. Strout, Millennium F&SF, http://www.jopoppub.com/
41. NOTES, Lorie Ham, eBonk, http://www.ebonk.com/
41. THE BRIDE-SEEKER, Jackie Kramer, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://www.hardshell.com/
41. Words of Love, Soft and Tender, Mark Rudolph, Strange Horizons, http://www.strangehorizons.com/20001204/words_of_love.shtml
41. Alien Abduction, Nick Aires, Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy, http://www.jopoppub.com/
41. Paths to Autonomy (an interactive story), Alexander Wilson, Planet Relish E-Zine, http://www.planetrelish.com/
41. Justice, Danielle Naibert, Basement Insanities IUniverse, http://www.iuniverse.com/
41. Protecting the Herd, Patrick Welch, DeathGrip, http://geocities.com/deathgrip_zine/protect.htm
41. Extinction, david allen, writers hood, http://writershood.com/
41. My Son, Mary Lou Baldwin, Themestream, http://www.themestream.com/articles/109020.html
41. Demon in a Box, Patrick Welch, Twilight Times, http://www.twilighttimes.com/
41. Life Lesson, Alyson B Cresswell, Gateway SF, http://www.gateway-sf-magazine.com/lesson.html
41. Home is Never Far Away, Shari GErson, Athina Publishing, http://www.athinapublishing.com/gerson.htm
41. blue gauze, ellis huff, i read romance, http:/irrromance.com
41. That Which Feeds The Soul, Lee Martindale, Bookface.com, http://www.bookface.com/
41. Old Rex, Joy C. Smith, Anotherealm, http://anotherealm.com/
42. See Skeeter Run, Judith Parker, Hard Shell Word Factory, http://www.hardshell.com/AKindo.asp
42. The Reluctant Horseman , Marge Simon, EOTU, http://www.calmcity.com/eotu.html
42. Keifer's Catch, E. Catherine Tobler, Peridot Books, http://www.peridotbooks.com/
42. Birds of a Feather, Jason Scherer, Quantum Muse, http://www/,quantummuse.com
42. Berry Pie, Marilyn Cron, Roberts Publishing, http://silverquillanthology.com/
42. Eurt, Daniel A. Olivas, Paumanok Review, http://www.etext.org/Fiction/Paumanok
42. D.A.V., Terry Hickman, Peridot Books, http://www.peridotbooks.com/
42. Hour of The Cyclops, Laird Barron, Three Lobed Burning Eye, http://www.owlsoup.com/3LBE/
42. Partial Eclipse, Graham Joyce, scifi.com, http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/
42. Right as Always, Beth Austin, Themestream, http://www.themestream.com/articles/277570.html
42. Legacy, The, Toni Walker, Avalon Industries, http://legacyspyserial.cjb.net/
42. Version 2.0, Beth Bernobich, Electric Wine, http://www.electricwine.com/
42. On a scale of one to three, Doug Lain, Pif magazine
42. Belle's Jingle in Merry Musings:A Holiday Anthology, Judy Bagshaw, Wordbeams, http://www.wordbeams.com/
42. 121 North, Authorlink, http://
42. Breathe, Kim Guilbeau, Sinister Element, http://www.sinisterelement.com/
42. Magicians Birthday, Edward Stack, mylero, http://
42. Blood Experiments, L.J. Blount, Horrorfind, http://www.horrorfind.com/
42. Murder on the Leavenworth Express, Patricia Harrington, NEFARIOUS Tales of Mystery, http://www.thewindjammer.com/nefarious/html/leavenworth1.html
42. A Very Special Christmas Present, Susanne Marie Knight, Regency Press, http://www.regency-press.com/
42. Santa and the Magic Chimney, Dave Pratt, Wordbeams, http://www.wordbeams.com/
42. Forever, Beth Bernobich, SpaceWays Weekly, http://spaceways.mirror.org/
42. The Conquest, Tom Lincoln, Themestream, http://www.themestream.com/gspd_browse/browse/view_article.gsp?c_id=282197
42. Gotta Calm a Chameleon, Chris McTrustry, Dragonlaugh, http://dragonlaugh.freeyellow.com/0801.htm
42. Dirty Black Summer, James Newman, www.fangora2000.com, http://www.fangora2000.com/
42. The Dragon Princess, Nick Aires, Dragonlaugh, http://thrill.to/dragonlaugh
42. Moscow Dogs, Martha Cooley, failbetter, http://www.failbetter.com/
42. The Point Systme, David Halliday, Images Inscript, http://www.imagesinscript.com/
42. Love and Mistletoe in Merry Musings, by Betty Jo Schuler, Wordbeams, http://www.wordbeams.com/
42. Tetley's Time Travel Emporium, Steve Hallberg, Planet Relish, http://www.planetrelish.com/issue14/story2.html
42. I Am Anna , Thea Atkinson, Shyflower's Garden Library, http://shyflowersgarden.com/library.htm
42. Song of Life, Sandy McMaster, Aloha Plenty, http://www.alohaplentyhawaii.com/songlife.htm
42. I Am Anna, Thea Atkinson, Shyflower's Garden Library, http://shyflowersgarden.com/library.htm
42. Unforgettable, T.M. Gray, Pillow Screams, http://www.bloodmoonz.com/current/unforgivable.html
42. Right Back at Ya, E.S. Strout, Millennium F&SF, http://www.jopoppub.com/
42. The Silence of Phii Krasue, George Gutheridge, Lone Wolf Publication, http://
42. My Story, John J. Lacombe II, None, http://cpcug.org/user/jlacombe/story1.html


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