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Critique.org Best Ever Poll - Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Story

Welcome to the Preditors & Editors / Critters Best Ever Readers' Poll
Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Story

The Preditors & Editors / Critters Best Ever Readers' Poll honors the best works ever published and their creators. Vote for your favorites!

Entries for each category are listed in order by score by default. Click the name for more information about that entry.

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Vote 1-10 for any of the following (1=worst ever ... 10=best ever; decimals are okay):

[Sort by: Score | #Votes | Alphabetical | Recent   {help} ]

57.5541 $16,940.00Larry Niven
126.7508 A Sound of ThunderRay Bradbury
116.9113 All Cats are GrayAndre Norton
18.5783 Andrew the LastArthur M. Doweyko
77.4426 Burning ChromeWiliam Gibson
24-1.4461 Death WishR. Flores
116.9113 Dirt Road MagicCarrie Callahan
136.5543 E for EffortT.L. Sherred
24-1.4461 Eli: Warriors for the LightKaren Michelle Nutt
38.09210 Flowers for AlgernonDaniel Keyes
214.4412 For I Have Touched the SkyMike Resnick
57.5541 HinterlandsWilliam Gibson
97.2355 Light of Other DaysRobert Shaw
47.88414 NightfallIsaac Asimov
24-1.4463 NightflyersGeorge R.R. Martin
232.5783 People of the Black CircleRobert E. Howard
24-1.4461 Pump SixPaolo Bacigalupi
146.4654 Rappaccini's DaughterNathaniel Hawthorne
223.5541 Road KillJoe Haldeman
67.4667 SandkingsGeorge R. R. Martin
57.5541 Second Person, Present TenseDaryl Gregory
175.9113 Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon DawdlerWulf Moon
175.9113 Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon DawdlerWulf Moon
57.5541 Surface TensionJames Blish
24-1.4461 SwarmBruce Sterling
57.5541 The Colonel's TigerHal Colebatch
24-1.4461 The Drowned GiantJ.G. Ballard
57.5541 The Gift of a Useless ManAlan Dean Foster
165.9355 The Last QuestionIsaac Asimov
28.4412 The MirrorHannah Lackoff
106.9426 The Ones who Walked Away from OmelasUrsula Le Guin
57.5541 The Planet of the DeadClark Ashton Smith
156.4412 The Ray-Gun: A Love StoryJames Alan Gardner
205.2453 The Scarlet PlagueJack London
195.5541 The Screwfly Solution'James Tiptree, Jr.'
57.5541 The Tiger and the WaifJohn M. Campbell
214.4412 The Whimper of Whipped DogsHarlan Ellison
Title not listed: by:
This voting site is operated by Andrew Burt

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Happy minion   Happy minion — last donation was recent. A big Thank You! to Philip Lindeman, Sean Masters, Rachel Messinger, and lots of other Critterfolk for their contributions!

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