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Ahoy, Critterfolk!
New entry May 28

Critter Notices

Books from Critters!

Check out Books by Critters for books by your fellow Critterfolk, as well as my list of recommended books for writers.

How to Write SF

The Craft of Writing Science Fiction that Sells by Ben Bova, best-selling author and six-time Hugo Award winner for Best Editor. (This is one of the books your ol' Critter Captain learned from himself, and I highly recommend it.) (Also via Amazon)

Space Travel for SF Writers

Hot off the presses from ReAnimus Press! Space Travel - A Science Fiction Writer's Guide— An indispensible tool for all SF writers that explains the science you need to help you make your fiction plausible. (Also via Amazon)


I was interviewed live on public radio for Critters' birthday, for those who want to listen.

Free Web Sites

Free web sites for authors (and others) are available at www.nyx.net.

ReAnimus Acquires Advent!

ReAnimus Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of the legendary Advent Publishers! Advent is now a subsidiary of ReAnimus Press, and we will continue to publish Advent's titles under the Advent name. Advent was founded in 1956 by Earl Kemp and others, and has published the likes of James Blish, Hal Clement, Robert Heinlein, Damon Knight, E.E. "Doc" Smith, and many others. Advent's high quality titles have won and been finalists for several Hugo Awards, such as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy and Heinlein's Children. Watch this space for ebook and print editions of all of Advent's current titles!

Book Recommendation

THE SIGIL TRILOGY: The universe is dying from within... "Great stuff... Really enjoyed it." — SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock

Announcing ReAnimus Press

If you're looking for great stuff to read from bestselling and award-winning authors—look no further! ReAnimus Press was founded by your very own Critter Captain. (And with a 12% Affiliate program.) [More]








In Memoriam

In Memoriam

To our Critters who have passed on
May they find peace wherever they are, and memories in our hearts

  • Morell Mullins (2024) Morell joined in 2011, and was very active in the group for a while doing critiques. I don't have more information, other than that he passed away in January at age 82.

  • Carl Slaughter (2019) Carl was a long-time, devoted member of Critters, prolific interviewer of members of the SF community for Diabolical Plots and File770, and general all-around good-hearted guy. He passed away from a car accident. File770 has much more. He will be much missed.

  • Danielle Monson (Dabbs) (2016) Danielle joined in 2007, and was very active in the group for a while doing critiques. I don't have more information, other than that she passed away in May.

    • Eugie Foster (2014) Eugie Foster, author, editor, wife, died on September 27th of respiratory failure at Emory University in Atlanta. In her forty-two years, Eugie lived three lifetimes. She won the Nebula award, the highest award for science fiction literature, and had over one hundred of her stories published. She was an editor for the Georgia General Assembly. She was the director of the Daily Dragon at Dragon Con, and was a regular speaker at genre conventions. She was a model, dancer, and psychologist. She also made my life worth living. Memorial service will be announced soon. We do not need flowers. In lieu of flowers, please buy her books and read them. Buy them for others to read until everyone on the planet knows how amazing she was.
      —Matthew M. Foster (husband)

    • Peter Paul Morgan (2012) A eulogy by Critter member Matt Leo:

      Dear Dr. Burt --

      I am sorry to report that I have received an email from Wynne, the wife of long-time critter Peter Paul Morgan, stating that Peter passed away last Thursday, just a week after celebrating his eighty-fifth birthday in perfect health.

      Physician, author, composer, scientist, and former editor of the Canadian Medical Association Journal Peter was something of a polymath. He wrote beautifully, although sometimes a bit over my head. His prose was graceful, his landscapes vividly painted and peopled with complex characters. He and I spent some months going back and forth of his novel, *Words of the Papermaker*, which had some interest from literary agencies but was too long for commercial publication. Peter had a plan to restructure his novel, but set it aside last year to concentrate on finishing his opera, *Open House*. I'm sad that *Words of the Papermaker* will never take the final form Peter envisioned for it, but I'm happy to report that *Open House* successfully debuted last year, fulfilling a forty year ambition of Peter's.

      It is as a critic Peter had the greatest effect on me. Peter put considerable effort into reading and responding to manuscripts. His critiques were thoughtful and insightful; generous while being totally honest. He wrote meaty critiques an author could really sink his teeth into. Those manuscript critiques are the benchmarks I set for my own.

      It seems odd to call a life of eighty-five years "cut short", but that's how I feel. He was a man of immense imagination and creativity. As many days as Peter might lived, he would have spent them doing new and interesting and unexpected things. It's hard to believe he's not there if I need a quick opinion on something, which he was always so gracious about providing. I will miss him.

    • Irene Schaft (2010) Irene joined in 2003, and was active in the group for several years. I don't have much information, other than she died suddenly.

    • Richard Lyon (2008) Richard Lyon was a pro member of SFWA who submitted close to a hundred manuscripts to Critters, and sent in over 300 critiques during the nearly 10 years he was a member. I don't know the details of his passing, but he was always a friendly fellow and will be very much missed.

    • Maxine Komlos (2004) I don't know if anyone remembers or has heard about her - she only attended one or maybe two meetings of the Blackwood Writer's Group but Maxine Komlos / O'Leary, violin teacher, wife of astronomer and all round good bloke Michael O'Leary, author of 'Transmat' passed away last week.

    • Roxanne "Roz" Hutton (2004)

      Roxanne Lynn Hutton, age 50, passed away on Friday July 16 from cancer of the brain at the Vermont Respit House in Williston, Vermont. Her body has been donated to the University of Vermont Medical School. A 1999 graduate of the Odyssey Writer's Workshop, she was a second place finisher in the Writers of the Future contst and had sold two other short stories. She also participated in the online Critters Writers' Workshop.

      From her Critters bio:

      SF/F/H preferences:

      SF! Give me SF! Okay, I do read Fantasy once in a while, and a little Horror. Hard SF is mostly what I write, with the occassional piece in the other two genres thrown in (better duck!). Some of my SF has a military slant, some is socioillogical, and like Ray Bradbury says, SF isn't to predict the future, but to prevent it.

      Publications, if any:

      Recently made my first pro sale, "Foil Dive" to Artemis Magazine, published in the Spring 2001 issue. Since then Artemis has also pulished a speculative science article, "The Intrasystem Transport Ring, A Thought Experiment" in the Summer 2001.

      Anything else you think would interest other members:

      My friends know me as the red-headed amazon from hell. My enemies. . . hmm, there don't seem to be any left. Seriously, I live in snowy Vermont, not far from Mount Mansfield, fix computers and cars, coat stainless steel pipe with Teflon for money, and when I'm not writing I'm either punching holes in paper of thinking about better ways to do so. Been trying seriously to break in as a pro writer since 1998, attended the Odyssey writer's workshop in 1999, and like Jeanne Cavalos, I'm readily bribed with chocolate. Diamonds and cheap novels with rocket-ships on the covers are good too. Unfortunately, there's seldom enough time to do any theatre, but that's fun too.

      The sale to Artemis qualified me to join SFWA. I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but there really is a secret handshake. You just put your

    • Kate Roth-Whitworth (1997)

    • Dietmar Trommeshauser (1998)

      "God put me on this Earth to accomplish a great many things. I'm so far behind, I'm never gonna die."
      31-Jan-1996: H   The War Widow
      28-Feb-1996: F   Ragnarok                 		
      3-Apr-1996:  H   Larry's Teeth			
      24-Apr-1996: SF  Visitors at the Fishbowl		
      29-May-1996: H   Hog Wild				
      3-Jul-1996:  H   Tutu and Wichita Weaving, Ch.1-2	
      7-Aug-1996:  H   Suicide is Painless		
      4-Sep-1996:  H   Stolen Goods  			
      1-Jan-1997:  SF  History                            
      29-Jan-1997: H   Boot Camp                          
      19-Mar-1997: SF  Wild at Heart                      
      23-Apr-1997: H   The Troubles of Dr. Del Redding    

      His Yahoos, in his own words:

      Hi Andrew, just sold my crittered story "Larry's Teeth" to LORDS OF ETERNAL DARKNESS MAGAZINE, due out late 97, early 98 by Stygian Vortex Publications.

      Just sold the crittered Wild at Heart to Millennium. Check out the changes when it's up. Thanks to all who helped make it publishable.

      On a more cheery note, I've sold a story entitled Pleasure and Pain to SHIVER MAGAZINE. They're the same mag that published my crittered story "Glory Days" and P&P continues the story of GD.

      Hi Andrew and Happy New Year! I recieved an acceptance letter this morning for my crittered story "Suicide is Painless" from Eternity Press for Eternity magazine.

      I got word yesterday that they've [Spaceways] accepted my story "Aftermath", but since it's not a crittered story I didn't bother to let you know. Blood of the Windigo to "The Rage Machine" and "Shiver Magazine" wants me to continue the story i wrote for their 4th issue (which I just got in the mail and which looks really cool btw). It ended on a cliffhanger so I have to write an ending for issue #5. Things are looking good; I've got 3 other stories on the verge of completion as well.

      Hi Andy, the British horror magazine, Nasty Piece of Work, accepted my critiqued story, HOG WILD, for issue #9 (Sept. '98).


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    Andrew Burt