Ahoy, Critterfolk!
New entry May 28
Critter Notices
Books from Critters!
Check out Books by Critters for books by your fellow Critterfolk, as well as my list of recommended books for writers.
New Book from a Critter Member

A Guide to Barsoom

I was interviewed live on public radio for Critters' birthday, for those who want to listen.
Free Web Sites
Free web sites for authors (and others) are available at
ReAnimus Acquires Advent!
ReAnimus Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of the legendary Advent Publishers! Advent is now a subsidiary of ReAnimus Press, and we will continue to publish Advent's titles under the Advent name. Advent was founded in 1956 by Earl Kemp and others, and has published the likes of James Blish, Hal Clement, Robert Heinlein, Damon Knight, E.E. "Doc" Smith, and many others. Advent's high quality titles have won and been finalists for several Hugo Awards, such as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy and Heinlein's Children. Watch this space for ebook and print editions of all of Advent's current titles!
Book Recommendation
The universe is dying from within...
"Great stuff... Really enjoyed it." — SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock
Announcing ReAnimus Press
If you're looking for great stuff to read from bestselling and award-winning authors—look no further! ReAnimus Press was founded by your very own Critter Captain. (And with a 12% Affiliate program.) [More]
Preditors & Editors Poll results
Official Results now has Workshops for Everything — all genres, music, video, photography, art, apps.....
Convert your work to ebooks! Read great ebooks! The votemaster runs ReAnimus Press
See also the Best-Ever Voters Poll for the best works ever written (not just in the last year)
[Shortcuts to...
Short Stories pages: Horror | Romance | Science Fiction & Fantasy | Steampunk | All other | Anthologies page | Poems page | Nonfiction articles page | Nonfiction books page |
Other Categories: Artwork page | Book/e-book Cover Artwork page | Magazine/e-zine Cover Artwork page | Authors page | Poets page | Artists page | Book/e-book Editors page | Magazine/e-zine Editors page | Print/Electronic Book Publishers page | Review site | Bookstore | Promotional Firms, Sites, and Resources page | Fiction 'zines page | Poetry 'zines page | Nonfiction 'zines page | Writers' Discussion Forum page | Writers' Workshop page | Writers' Resource/Information/News Source page |
Admin: Current standings | Best EVER Poll | Report an Error | VOTE! ]
Standings for Anthologies
1. The Immortality Chronicles (The Future Chronicles), Windrift Books, [link][comments]
2. Nightmare Noir, Mystery and Horror, LLC, [link][comments]
3. Entice Me: Luscious Love Stories, RB4U, [link][comments]
4. Visions II: Moons of Saturn (Volume 2), Lillicat Publishers, [link][comments]
5. Gray Shadows Under a Harvest Moon, Bookbaby, [link][comments]
6. Tails of the Apocalypse, Hip Phoenix Publishing; First edition (November 20, 2015), [link]
7. Haunted Hotties Volume 1, Torquere Press, [link]
8. Exquisite Christmas, Createspace, [link][comments]
9. Myths, Legends, and Midnight Kisses, Victory Tales Press, [link]
9. Silver Belles And Stetsons, Lilburn Smith, [link][comments]
9. Corpus Deluxe: Undead Tales of Terror, Indoie Authors Press, [link][comments]
10. Nightmares and Echoes 2: The Return, Gorillas with Scissors Press, [link][comments]
11. A Winter Holiday Anthology, Solstice Publishing Inc, [link]
12. Denizens of Steam, Scribblers' Den, [link][comments]
12. Bardic Tales and Sage Advice (Vol. VII), Bards and Sages Publishing, [link]
13. Hides the Dark Tower, Pole to Pole Publishing, [link]
13. Shrieks & Shivers, Post Mortem Press, [link][comments]
14. Rejected for Content 2: Aberrant Menagerie, J. Ellington Ashton, [link]
15. Tales From The Mare Inebrium, Dark Oak Press, [link][comments]
15. Poets & Writers in Action, Lulu Press, [link][comments]
16. Avast, Ye Airships!, Mocha Memoirs Press, [link][comments]
16. Urban Legends: Emergence of Fear, J. Ellington Ashton Press, [link]
17. Shivers and Lace, Gorillas with Scissors Press, [link]
17. The Eclectic Paranormal Reader, Class Act Books, [link]
18. Ain't Superstitious, Third Flatiron, [link]
18. Legends of New Pulp Fiction, Airship 27 Productions, [link]
19. Out of Phase: Tales of Sci-Fi Horror, Sirens Call Publications, [link][comments]
19. History and Mystery, Oh My!, Mystery and Horror, LLC, [link]
20. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, Vol I, Solstice Publishing, [link]
21. Strangely Funny 2 1/2, Mystery and Horror, LLC, [link]
21. I Hero: The Beginning, Amazon, [link]
21. Duty, Honor, Desire, Amazon, [link]
21. then comes winter, meryton press, [link]
21. Heat of the Midday Sun, Science Fiction Trails, [link]
21. Christmas Pets and Kisses, Prairie Rapids Press, [link]
21. The Outsiders, Crystal Lake Publishing, [link]
21. Working Stiff, Gimmick Press, [link]
21. Zen Of The Dead, Popcorn Press, [link]
21. Tales from the Black Hart, Black Hart Library Press, [link]