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Submitting to the Black Hole
Market Information for Magazine: New Yorker (address, basic guidelines, etc.) -- Please fill in or update if missing or incorrect! Discussion Forum below for Magazine: New Yorker
Here are the raw data for the
black holes page (in order by market and submission date).
Report a data point.
Note, you may have to reload this page if you've already looked at it.
(Last update: Thu May 18 22:57:01 MDT 2023)
Please report problems to Andrew Burt.
Market Guidelines here
[Donate to the Black Holes]
Magazine/Book Publisher | Response time (#days) | Submission date | Response date | Still waiting for reply? | Type
Magazine: New Yorker | 101 | 06/11/11 | 09/20/11 | X | Other non sale
Magazine: New Yorker | 125 | 2/10/07 | 6/15/07 | | Rejection
Magazine: New Yorker | 142 | 06/11/2011 | 10/31/2011 | | Rejection
Magazine: New Yorker | 79 | 8/11/07 | 10/29/07 | | Rejection
Magazine: New Yorker | 81 | 07/21/07 | 10/10/07 | | Rejection
Magazine: New Yorker | 84 | 9/21/07 | 12/14/07 | | Rejection
Magazine: New Yorker | 90 | 07/02/2010 | 09/30/2010 | | Rejection
Magazine: New Yorker | 93 | 08/02/08 | 11/03/08 | | Rejection
| | | | | | | | |
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